RSS feeds didn’t seem necessary to me in the past, it wasn’t really something I was interested at all. However, I just recently felt the need to start up an RSS feed for all of the sites I’m finding, loving, and wanting to remember. I was finding it difficult to remember to check various sites that maybe aren’t my most frequented (random blogs and humor sites) and would sometimes miss out on great stuff! I think that most sites have the option of an RSS feed and if they don’t they need to get with the times. It’s a perfect way to grow a loyal following, especially if you plan on updating your site frequently.

I’m currently using a provider called Feedly which I think is just a Google Chrome app for an RSS feed, but in the past I have also used iGoogle and liked it. I thought it was pretty interesting that there is such an abundance of possible providers to choose from. I just think that most people would go with the main choices like iGoogle or through their email provider.

Like it says in the conclusion of this chapter, an RSS feed provides a one-click solution to provide your subscribers with instant notifications of any new content. Most importantly (I think) is that it notifies without being annoying like constant emails or texts. With an RSS feed, you can either check the new content or not without having it shoved in your face.