I have to say I have had a very negative outlook on virtual worlds in the past ever since I saw an episode of Taboo about a guy who used Second Life for nothing but sex, sex, sex. It totally creeped me out and I definitely had no interest in going anywhere near a site full of creepers (and he was definitely a creeper). After watching what thousands of people use that site for it really surprised me when I read this chapter and heard about companies having business meetings on the same site. I have no idea how Second Life works so honestly I pictured a bunch of businessman Sims characters sitting at a virtual table with random people dressed in bikinis and in tiger suits run amok around them. Not exactly a very appropriate environment for getting any business done.

However, I got over my avoidance of Second Life and managed to do a little investigating and it is actually an interesting and fun way to hold meetings. I definitely know first hand how boring it can be to sit in a cubicle for 8 hours a day and the thought of creating a little virtual me to have a meeting kind of turns it into a game. Also, what a great way to get in touch with people halfway around the world! I guess it just goes to show you can’t always judge a site by one television show.