Unlike many people my age, I still really like using email to communicate.  I will admit that my personal email account is used mostly for deals and coupons that get sent to me from my favorite stores, but it is also a huge tool for my schoolwork. I’m a big fan of email when it comes to little questions I have about assignments in class. Instead of fretting about it all night or doing an assignment wrong, I just send my professor a quick email. It is also a huge deal in the corporate/business world as I have come to find out. I have to constantly check my email at work to make sure I never miss an assignment or a meeting. Outlook is my connection to everything going on around me at my internship.

The tips, techniques, and tactics section was very interesting to me because I didn’t know anything about the “second rules”. Once I read the section though it made a lot of sense and I realized that I am very much influenced by how much a headline grabs my attention. If I receive an email from Express and it doesn’t say “Huge sale going on now” I delete it almost immediately (I get emails sent to my phone). I’m very selfish with my WIIFM when it comes to my personal email account. I can see the 5 second rule being true also for people who actually take the time to read them. I am a very visual person and I am also very impatient (to a fault usually). I want to see a picture and maybe a few words and know the WIIFM of the email.

I loved the section about day parting. That’s another thing I have wondered about but never really took the time to investigate. I thought that the fact that there were even specific times to send an email for niche subjects like canoeing very fascinating. I’m sure this is something that not many companies consider when sending out their emails.